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IOA News Letters Summary

Haaruo Uehara, Yasuyuki Ikegami and Tetsuya Nishida
Saga University

Performance Analysis of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) System using a new cycle with absorption and extraction process are carried out.  A new cycle utilizes an ammonia-water mixture as the working fluid.  An OTEC system using a new cycle is consists of an evaporator, a separator, two turbines or two stage turbines, a reheater, a heater, an absorber, a condenser, an auxiliary condenser and a pump.  The thermal efficiency of OTEC system using a new cycle with absorption and extraction process can reach up to 5.23 percent when the inlet warm sea water temperature of 28¢XC and the inlet cold sea water temperature of 4¢XC .  The thermal efficiency of OTEC system using a new cycle is 1.038 times as large as one of the Kalina (5.04 percent) cycle and is 1.31 times as large as one of Rankine (3.98 percent).

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