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IOA News Letters Summary

by Robert R. Hwang National Taiwan Ocean University R.O.C.

Owing to the rapid development both in economics and industry in Taiwan during the recent years, the increase demands of the energy consumption need the generation of electric energy from fossil fuel and atomic energy.  Some power development projects have been proposed by Taipower Company.  For steam-based power plant, a large amount of heated wastewater is produced in the case of once-through cooling system.  In order to prevent the environmental impact due to the heated water effluent, to understand the thermodynamics characteristics and to predict the current and temperature distributions in the water concerned are necessary.

This study is used the hydraulic scaling model to investigate the difussion and mixing phenomena of the flow resulting from the effluent discharge of the heated water.   Model similitude is considered and studied to ensure the similitude between the prototype and the model.  Some case studies of the conceptual designs for the cooling water system of power plants are presented.

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