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(Temps de lecture: 2 - 3 minutes)

IOA News Letters Summary

By Professor Clark Liu University of Hawaii

In January of 1995, the ROC will be the host country for the "ROC-US Workshop on Deep Ocean Water and Ocean Resources Development".   Sponsored by National Science Council of Taiwan, R.O.C. and the US National Science Foundation, the workshop will bring together researchers from Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and the USA to discuss topics of mutual interest within the area of DOWA (deep ocean water applications) and ocean resources development.

Dr. Nai-Kuang Liang from the Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University; Dr. Kelton McKinley from the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, University of Hawaii; and Dr. Clark C.K. Liu from the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Hawaii are coordinating the workshop. Experts from four countries will be divided into three groups to discuss mixing and the marine environment; marine biology and mariculture; and ocean engineering systems and physical oceanography.

Dr. Clark C. K. Liu (University of Hawaii) and Dr. Shean-Ya Yeh (National Taiwan University) will co-chair the group discussing mixing and the marine environment.   Dr. Jan Auyong (Hatfield Marine Sciences Center) and Dr. I-Chiu Liao (Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute) are co-chairs for the marine biology and mariculture working group.  The ocean engineering systems and physical oceanography group will be co-chaired by Dr. Stanley Dunn (Florida Atlantic University) and Dr. Nai-Kuang Liang (National Taiwan University).

Approximately thirty five invited participants will review recommendations from past workshops, identify areas of mutual interest related to the use of deep ocean water, and establish teams to pursue research funding in these areas.  It is anticipated that these teams will generate research proposals for cooperative ventures in DOWA.   Workshop participants will meet for two days at the National Taiwan University in Taipei, followed by a three day journey to southern Taiwan where a potential site for cooperative research on DOWA is located.  Further discussion of joint research activities will be continued during the field trip.

Workshop participants will generate a report of their activities upon completion of their discussions. For further information, contact:

Dr. N. K. Liang
Institute of Oceanography National Taiwan University
P. O. Box 23-13
Taipei, Taiwan

Phone: 886 2 362 3751
Fax:886 2 362 6092


Dr. Kelton McKinley
Hawaii Natural Energy Institute
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2540 Dole St., Holmes Hall 246
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822

Phone: (808)956 2346
Fax:(808)956 2335

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