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IOA News Letters Summary

Robert L. Waid

Robert L. Waid

Robert L. Waid is a Senior Staff Engineer working on OTEC projects for Lockheed Marine Systems.  His OTEC experience includes Project Manager for the Lockheed  Commercial Platform and Construction Feasibility Studies, the at-sea CWP test proposal, Chief Systems Engineer for a commercial OTEC demonstration proposal, and provided technical support to Mini-OTEC and several cold water pipe technology projects. He was Manager of Hydrodynamics and provided support to a wide range of sea-based systems. He received the 100th Anniversary Medal of the ASME as Chairman of the Polyphase Flow Forum.


Thomas H. Daniel

Thomas H. DanielThomas H. Daniel is the Scientific/Technical Program   Manager of NELHA,  and part-time UH@ Hilo Oceanograhpy Instructor. He  received Ph. D. in 1978 at University of Hawaii  at Manoa, majoring in physical Oceanography. He had been High School Physics and math teacher; Research Scientist at UH@ Manoa, Lockheed Ocean Systems; Laboratory Director of NELH; Technical Director of NELH.

Thomas Daniel's research interests include Ocean measurements and instrumentation, Ocean acoustic and electric fields, Ocean energy systems, Kona oceanography.

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