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(Temps de lecture: 2 - 3 minutes)

IOA News Letters Summary

Andrew R. Trenka

v3 11

Mr. Trenka has broad experience ranging from the aerospace indstry, the transportation industry to nonprofit research organizations. He was Vice President of Engineering for Vizex, Inc. At the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), Mr. Trenka was Deputy Division Director in the Solar Electric Division. At SERI, he led the DOE Wind Energy Program and subsequently the Ocean Energy Program.

Mr. Trenka served as the U.S. Senior Technical Advisor on the joint  U. S./Saudia Arabia SOLERAS Program. Currently, he is Director of the Energy and Resources Division of the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research (PICHTR).

Mr. Trenka holds a B.S. in Purdue University and a M.S. in Cornell University.


Joseph R. Vadus

v3 12

Joseph R. Vadus is Senior Technology Advisor in the Office of the Assistant Administraor, National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric  Administration (NOAA), U. S. Department of Commerce.  He is Chairman for the U. S. Panel on Marine Facilities of the U. S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources. In 1986, he received a Distinguished Service Award from the Japan side .

Mr. Vadus is a Fellow in the Marine Technology Society where he served on the Executive Board as Vice President, Technical Affairs for 10 years, and received the MTS Special Commendation Award in 1988 and the Compass Distinguished Achievement Award in 1990.

Mr. Vadus has a B. S. from Pennsylvania State University and a M. S.  in Ocean Engineering from Long Island University.


Takenobu Kajikawa

v3 13

Dr. Takenobu Kajikawa was born in Tokyo, Japan on March 1966. He received his Doctor of Engineering from Nagoya University in 1975.

Dr. Kajilawa has been with Electrotechnical Laboratory, Ministry of international Trade and Industry since 1966. He has been engaged in research on OTEC system and enbancement of heat transfer performance in OTEC heat exchangers.

During 1978-1988, he was chief of the Ocean Energy Section. Since 1988, he has been chief of Environmental Energy Section at Electrotechnical Laboratory.


K. T. Yang

v3 14

Dr. K. T. Yang is currently the Viola D. Hank Professor of Engineering in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame. He has been active in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), in which he served as the Senior Technical Editor of the Journal of Heat Transfer, 1980-1985, the Chairman of its Heat Transfer Division, 1989-1990.

Currently, Dr. Yang is a member of the Advisiory Committee of the Chermical and Thermal Systems Division of the U. S. National Science Foundation, and also the North American Continent Editor of the International Journal-Experimental Thermal and Fluid Scisnces. One of his current research interests is in enhanced low temperature difference heat exchangers, and hs was one of the foreign reviewers invited to Taiwan to assess the viability of the planned MPOP in Taiwan in 1991.

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