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IOA News Letters Summary

During the period of November 18th to 30th, 1990, OTECA-Japan dispatched two survey groups to conduct the second OTEC site survey on Christmas Is1nad in the Republic of Kiribati and Viti Levu Island in the Republic of Fiji, one to each location.

Besides conducting detailed research at each candidate site, the various water qualities of the ocean, seashore, lagoon and lakes were examined on Christmas Is1and, whereas in Viti Levu Is1and, an exchange if information on the needs of DOWA was carried out with the Governmental agencies concerned.

Based on such results, the basic concepts of OTEC on Christmas Is1and and Viti Levu
Is1and were improved.

The former is characterized by the setting up of an institute for basic research on oceano-graphy in tropical regions, the letter by DOWA, entailing cooling water service to hotels and its use by the fish farming industry, as well as the setting up of above institute.

The concept of estabi1shing the OTEC Research Institute aims at contributing to the
development of global scientific research.

The investigation of certain existing Ocean Research Institutes is needed by OTECA, with this investigation scheduled to be carried out in the near future.

strt174 OTECA-Japan recently an-nounced that the International Forum on Deep Seawater will be held in Kochi Prefectural in Japan from August 9-11, 1991. (OTECA-Japan)
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