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(Temps de lecture: 2 - 4 minutes)

IOA News Letters Summary

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Oceanic Engineering Society will hold a Conference on "Ocean Technology for the Pacific in the 1990's" ,Oceans' 91,in Honolulu, Hawaii, U. S. A. from September 30 to October 3, 1991 to review and discuss advances and opportunities in ocean technologies as they are employed in the developments of ocean resources and space. The program of this conference will recognize the great potential of the Pacific in the 21st Century with Hawaii at its hub and the discussion will focus on the benefits of newly developed ocean technologies to the Pacific Basin. Over four hundred technical abstracts are being used to structure the broad scope of the technical program. Advanced technology areas include acoustics, ocean resources assessment and development, instrumentation systems, remote-sensing and underwater robotics. The technical program will be co-chaired by Joseph R. Vadus of the NOAA, National Ocean Service; and Paul C. Yuen of the University of Hawaii. The Technical Program Committee of this Conference has scheduled 7 technical sessions on Ocean Energy and 2 technical sessions on Upwelling/Ranching. The Committee has also arranged a 90-minute special panel on ocean energy opportunities to discuss development progress, trend, markets, cooperative ventures, and networking possibilities related to ocean energy development. Technical papers, pertinent to the OTEC/DOWA, to be presented in the Oceans '91 include:

strt174 OTEC Heat Exchanger Materials Testing Analysis of Samples Exposed for Five Year at Keahole Point, Hawaii Patrick K. Sullivan, Oceanit La boratories, Hononlulu, HI; Bruce E. Liebert, University of Hawaii Honolulu, HI
strt174 A Review of Some Semi-Em-pirica1 OTEC Effluent Discharge Models .
G.C. Nihous and L. A. Vega, Pacific International Center for High Technology Research, Honolulu, HI
strt174 On the Dynamic Behavior of the Cold Water Pipe
H. Maeda, H.S. Shin, and S. Miyajima, University of Tokyo, Japan; Y. Yamakoshi and S. Akeda, National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering, Ibaraki, Japan
strt174 Production of Desalinated Water
Using Ocean Thermal Energy
Tom Rabas, Argonne National
Laboratory, Argonne, II
strt174 Desalinated Water Production with Flash Evaporators and Surface Condensers Developed for OCOTEC Applications
Muhammed A. Syed, Geraed C.
Nihous, Luis A. Vega, Pacific International Center for High Technology Research, Honolulu, HI
strt174 Air Conditioning with Deep Seawater: A Reliable Technology Joseph C. Van Ryzin and Tore L. Leraand, Makal Ocean Engineering, Inc., Kailua, HI
strt174 Use of Cold Seawater for Air Conditioning
Muhammed A. Syed , Gerard C. Nihous, Luis A. Vega, Pacific
International Center for High
Technology Research, Honolulu, HI
strt174 Deep Ocean Water, Artificial Upwelling, and Open Ocean Mariculture: Promise for the Future Kelton Mckinely, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
strt174 Ocean Strategies for Remediation of Global Warming
Victor Phillips, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
strt174 OTEC-A Stirring Giant
Andrew Trenka, Pacific International Center for High Technology Research, Honolulu, HI
strt174 Current Status of Very Large
Floating Structure Technology H. R. Riggs, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
strt174 OTEC Development by Gen-Otec
Allen Bean, GenOtec, Washington, DC
strt174 OTEC Development by Sea Solar Power
Robert Nicholson, Spa Solar
Power, York, PA
strt174 Use of Cold and Pure, Nutrient-Rich Deepsea Water for Ocean Ranching
Hiro Nakanara, Research Institute for Ocean Economics, Tokyo, Japan
strt174 A Control System on the Ocean Environmental Condition for Creation of Marine Ranching Masaaki Sakuta, Norimasa Takagi, Akio Kuroyanagi and Yoshihiro Suenaga, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan
strt174 Concept Design of Artificial Upwelling Induced by Natural Forces
Nai Kuang Liang, National Taiwan University, China
strt174 Hydraulic Experiments on the Behavior of the Discharged Water from the OTEC Plant in the Open Ocean
H. Yasuda, H. Noguchi, and T. Higo, Government Industrial Research Institute, Hiroshima, Japan
strt174 At-Sea-Experiment on an Ocean-based Artificial Upwelling System
T. kajikawa, H. Takazawa, M. Amano, H. litaka, K. Nakata, Y. Fujinawa, Electrotechnical laboratory, MITI, lbaraki; K. Kitani, E. Kudo, Japan Sea Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Niigata; T. Nakashina, T. Toyoda, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, Kanagawa, Japan
strt174 Artificial Upwelling of Deep Ocean Water and Effluent Mixing
Clark C. K. Liu and H.H. Chen, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
strt174 Deep Sea-Water from the Ocean as a Means for Energy Conservation
J. B. Fortuin and P. C. van Trigt, TEBODIN B.V., The Haag; P. Kortekaas, Delta Marine Consultants B. V., Gouda, The Netherlands
strt174 HOST Park
Bill Bass, High Technology Development Corporation, Mililani, HI
strt174 Redevelopment of Coastal
Hawaii Fishponds for Mariculture
Ron Bregman, Frans Gerritsen, and Patrick Takahashi, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

Further information regarding the Oceans '91 may be obtained from:

Ms. Lianne Loo Chan
P. O. Box 37607
Honolulu, Hawaii 96837 USA

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