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IOA News Letters Summary

Convening of the first conference of the International OTEC/DOWA Association (IOA) in March 1994 in Brighton, Utilized Kingdom, in conjunction with Oceanology International 94 (OI '94) was announced in the previous issue of this Newsletter.

This event is significant for both IOA and OI '94. For IOA, the forthcoming conference will be the first international meeting devoted exclusively to OTEC and DOWA since the concept of OTEC was born more than one hundred years ago. For Oceanology International, the meeting in 1994 marks its 25th Anniversary and a look forward to the next 25 years of ocean science and technology.

Papers solicited for the IOA Conference may cover any aspect of R & D activities in the field of OTEC and DOWA. Overview papers from Europe, Japan, Taiwan R.O. C. and the United States will be invited.

OI '94 will have papers on a number of subjects of particular interest to those concerned with OTEC and DOWA, such as the Deep Ocean(including¡@ COdisposal), Coastal and Sea Space Utilization , (including renewable energy, aquaculture and mariculture, and fresh water), Sustainable Development of Ocean Resources and Technology Frontiers.

The IOA Secretariat expects the two events (IOA Conference and OI '94) which will take place at the same place and same time will attract a large number of participants.

Please inform the IOA Secretariat (address shown at the bottom of p.8) of your interest to attend.For those who wish to  present papers, abstracts not exceeding one A4 page (210¡Ñ297 mm ) in length, should be received, before September 17, 1993, at:

OI '94-IOA Session
55-59 Fife Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 1TA, UK.
Tel: 081549 5831 (International: +44 81)
Fax: 081 541 5657, 081 541 5016, 081 547 2807 (International: +44 81).

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