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IOA News Letters Summary

Martin G. Brown United Kingdom

v6n3-2.JPG (3825 bytes)Martin Brown graduated from Cardiff University in Wales with a BSc. in Maritime Technology in 1986. He then studied for a MSc. in Offshore Structures at Cranfield University Martin's MSc. thesis analyzed the environmental forces on a vertically suspended cold water pipe (CWP). This thesis led to a year and a half contract as a Research Associate at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne working on the British OTEC program.

A move to London followed to work for Micoperi/Saipem UK Ltd., an offshore heavy lift contractor. Next came a return to academia to study for a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) at Keele University. The M.B.A. dissertation provided an opportunity to analyze the commercial feasibility of different configurations of multi-product OTEC system.

After Keele Martin returned to offshore engineering and spent three years as a Senior Naval Architect with McDermott Engineering in London. At McDermott Martin investigated and promoted the suitability of one of the UK's remaining colonies, Grand Cayman Island in the Caribbean, as a site for an integrated OTEC system.

Today Martin is a self employed consultant working in the offshore energy sector. He can be contacted in the UK by combined phone/fax on either (o)181 2072501 or (0)1270 820165.

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