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New IOA Web Site

(Temps de lecture: 1 minute)

IOA News Letters Summary

By Carrie Matsuzaki, Contributing Editor of IOA Newsletter

Visit the IOA web site at http://ioa.erl.itri.org.tw for the latest information about current happenings. The newly designed site includes a search engine that allows you to find articles of interest in past newsletters. There's also a downloadable bibliography of these articles.

Michel Gauthier, Acting IOA Chairman, compiled the bibliography of all the newsletter articles published. The IOA newsletter has been published quarterly since the spring of 1990, financially supported solely by the Energy Commission in the Republic of China. Ms. Jin Chung has been instrumental in producing the newsletter since its inception.

The web site is also designed and maintained by the IOA Secretariat. The newsletter search engine, another feature of the site, enables readers to find articles of interest by using key words, author or date. An advanced search will seek information from the text of the articles.

Please bookmark the site and send in your comments or suggestions. If you would like meetings of interest to the IOA community posted on the web page, please contact the Secretariat via the email address on the web site.

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