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IOA News Letters Summary

V1 23Mr. Michel Gauthier, chairman of the IOA Core Group, was recently nominated as the IFRENMER delegate in New Caledonia and for the South Pacific Region on May 1 .1990. As IFREMER delegate in New Caledonia, Michel Gauthier has in-charged the following missions:1) to set in place for IFREMER with the Authorities of the Territory; 2) to promote IFREMER' s activities on the Territory and in IFREMER 's Centers out of the Territory for the benefit of New Caledonia economical development; and 3) to promote the cooperation between IFREMER and the French Research Centers located on the Territory.

As IFREMER delegate for South Pacific Region. Michel Gauthier has been responsible for the following activities:1) to identify possible objectives for scientific and technical cooperation between IFREMER and other research agencies and laboratories located in South Pacific, identify potential partners and prepare cooperation implementation procendures;2) to promote technology transfers from IFREMER and IFREMER subsidiaries to public and private partners in the Region; and 3) to promote training actions for scientists and technicians of South Pacific in favour of the economical development of the Region. To execute these missions, Mr. Michel Gauthier acts under the direct authority IFREMER 's Chief Executive and Chairman of the Board.

For the last three years, Michel Gauthier had been in the Paris IFREMER headquarter. He was also a part time consultant for the European Community and participated to the implementation of the EC Marine Technology program. For the IFREMER, Michel Gauthier was in charge of promoting and organizing their European cooperation policy and also French delegate to the Board of the EUROMAR/EUREKA program. He was also actively involved in the bilateral cooperation for marine R and D with Canada and the United States.

With his excellent performance and great contribution to the European Marine Technology Programs, we are sure he will succeed whatever he choose to do. We at the OTEC/DOWA community wish him to have a very pleasant stay and a great new career in the South Pacific!

Mr. Michel Gauthier's new address is:

B.P. No. 2059-Noumea-Nouvelle-Caledonie

Phone #(687) 285-171

Fax    #(687) 277-122

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