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IOA News Letters Summary

The Republic of the Marshall Island (RMI) invites submission of proposals and qualifications data from U.S. firms or consortium to perform a detailed technical, economic, and financial feasibility study for the design, construction, installation, and operation of a 5-10 MW (net) OTEC power plant to be located at Majuro, RMI.  The study will include the power system, cold, warm and discharge seawater pipe, the containment housing, a fresh water subsystem, and the appropriate interconnect with the existing electrical grid and water systems at Majuro.

The study should focus on:

  1. power plant sizing, siting, and cost optimization;
  2. preliminary design, construction, transfer, and operation plan;
  3. the impact of OTEC's multi-product capability on facility economics and the development needs of Majuro Atoll; and
  4. project financial planning and assessment, including the potential for private investment and a framework for a mutually satisfactory power and water purchase agreement between the operator and the utility agencies.

The submission should include definition of the study team, the power system design, construction, and related capabilities of team members, including their OTEC background, U.S. industry participation, familiarity with work in the firm, and their ability to develop a viable investment package for implementig this OTEC project.  A total of 200,000 U.S. dollars is available for the study from a grant from the U.S. Trade and Development Program.  Up to 20% of study funds may be subcontracted to local Marshall Island firms.  Price will not be a factor in the selection process.

The proposing organizations shall contact the RMI and include consideration of all laws, regulations and environmental rules applicable to large industrial projects in the RMI.

Send the data within 45 days (from the day of publication) to the RMI.  Five copies of qualifications documentation and proposal submissions to The Ministry of Resources and Development, RMI, P.O. Box 1727, Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960.  The terms of reference for the study may be obtained from the address above; the terms of reference and a definitional mission report describing this project (90-318 A.B.) may also be obtained from Carol Stillwell at TDP,SA-16, Room 309, Washington, D.C. 20523-1602.   703/875-4357(tel).(0260)

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