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IOA News Letters Summary

In a recent general assembly of Engineering Committee on Oceanic Resources (ECOR)held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada during September 20-22, 1990, the Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (JMSTC), made a presentation on the
"Current Ocean Energy Systems in Japan". In the presentation, the speaker indicated that many organizations in Japan have studied the ocean energy utilizations during the past 15 years, and considerable amounts of technical data have become available. He emphasized that the technology needed for the operation of ocean energy systems has also been developed and tested in various experimental plants. Their current efforts are placed on the reduction of the cost including the development of multi-utilization systems specially for those incorporated with the ocean thermal energy and wave energy conversions. The JMSTC felt that the Japanese have now paid more attention to the utilization of natural energy because it cuold be the answers for solving the environmental problems in Japan. Some of the recent  projects they conducted are listed below:

  Project-1 Project-2 Project-3
Organizer Kyushu Electric Power Co.
Sage University
Agency of Industrial Science & Technology Electrotechnical Lavo.

Science & Technology Agency Electrotechnical Lavo.
Location Tokunoshima Island
(Kagoshima Pref.)
Southwestern Island Off Toyama City
(Toyama Pref.)
Type of Plant Hybrid of OTCE and
diesel gen.
Closed cycle
Enhanced with waste heat
from D.G.
Closed Rankine Island Closed cycle
System is combined
with mariculture.
Electric power is used
for pumping system.
Output 50 KW 10-100MW 5KW
Stage Pilot plant R & D R & D
Status Operational Completed Progressing
Working term 1982-1984 1982-1986 ¡@
Remarks ¡@ Fesibility study incl
conceptual design
Splaying nutrient-rich
deepsea water
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