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IOA News Letters Summary

At the IOA Core Group Meeting held in Honolulu, Hawaii on October 4, 1991, it was agreed that IOA Newsletters should contain photos and short CVs of those eminent in OTEC.

In this issue, we first introduce four of the IOA Core Group Members as follows: Michel Gauthier; Donald Lennard; C. Y. Li; Paul C. Yuen.

Michel Gauthier

Michel Gauthier

Michel Gauthier currently serves as IFREMER's delegate to New Caledonia and the South Pacific, identifying and promoting scientific and technical cooperation within the area.

He has been with the Institut Francais de Recherche pour I'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER) since 1970, having served as the head of the Projects and Systems department in Brest (1970-75), Technical Manager for Mineral Mining (1972-79) and Ocean Renewable Energy (1982-86), and appointee responsible for IFREMER European policy (1986-1990). Prior to IFREMER, Mr. Gauthier worked for the European Atomic Energy Commission, and the French Space Agency.

He holds a master's degree from the lllinois Institute of Technology. Mr. Gauthier was honored with the "Officier de I'Ordre National du Merite."

Donald Lennard

Donald Lennard

Donald Lennard originally qualified as an aircraft engineer with a degree from London University and a six-year apprenticeship with Handley Page.

He then spent ten years with the Royal Navy and the Admiralty, principally on aircraft and missile activities. The last 23 years saw Mr. Lennard concerned with civil oceanic activities, including Manager of the Underwater Engineering Group (1968-74), Managing Director of an offshore oil company (1974-78), and Managing Director of D. E. Lennard and Associates, Ltd. (1979 to present), Mr. Lennard's firm specializes in marine technology with particular emphasis on ocean thermal energy conversion, for which he established a separate company, OTEC Systems Ltd.

Mr. Lennard has written extensively in the ocean field and is a Fellow of the Society for Underwater Technology, the Royal Aeronautical Society, the Royal Institution of Naval Architects and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

C.Y. Li

C. Y. Li

Dr. C. Y. Li trained as a geologist, receiving his doctorate from Columbia University in New York. His eraly geological field work was carried out in the northwest and southwest parts of China, expanding later on to practically all countries in Asia.

Dr. Li came to prominence by conceiving the idea of joint offshore prospecting for hydrocarbon and mineral resources in the West Pacific waters. This subesquently led to the formation of the Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP); an organization which Dr. Li managed for nearly 15 years.

He was also instumental in the formation of a similar body for such Pacific island countries (CCOP/SOPAC)and has recently initiated the formation of an international OTEC/DOWA assocation (IOA).


Paul C. Yuen

Paul C. Yuen

Dr. Paul C. Yuen is currently Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of Hawaii.

He has been on the faculty since 1961 and the Dean of Engineering since 1981. Concurrently, he served as Acting President of the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research (PICHTR)from 1983-88. He was the Director of the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (NHEI) from 1977-1981. Dr. Yuen is a tenured professor and holds a Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering from the lllinois Instirute of Technology. Dr.Yuen was recognized by the Hawaii Chapter of the National Society of Professional Engineering as Hawaii Engineer of the Year in 1983.

He was also a recipient of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE) prestigious Centernnial Madal in 1984.

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