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IOA '99 Conference a Success

(Temps de lecture: 2 - 3 minutes)

IOA News Letters Summary

by Carrie Matsuzaki, Member, IOA, Contributing Editor

IOA '99 Conference a SuccessOver 100 attendees participated in IOA '99, held from 31 Octoberto 2 November 1999 in Imari, Japan. Thirty five papers, including fourspecial lectures and two keynote lectures, were presented during thetwo and a half days of the conference. Also included as part of theconference were a tour of Saga University's OTEC Laboratory and atrip to see Imari's world famous porcelain ware.

IOA '99, a part of the International Symposium on OceanTechnology and Energy (ISOTE '99), followed a successful JapaneseAssociation of Deep Ocean Water Applications (JADOWA) meeting heldfrom October 29 to October 30, 1999. ISOTE '99 hosted an amazingdisplay of products that use the deep ocean water in the manufacturingprocess. Products included food, drinks (sake, bottled water), cosmetics,and salt. These products are commercial successes, resulting insubstantial income for the local Japanese communities generatingthese items.

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International OTEC/DOWA Conference 1999 - Saga University/ IMARI Japan

Display of commercial application of Deep Ocean Water (DOW) in food industry processing:soft drink,mineral water
miso,jellied bean paste,breads,soy bean curd(tofu),pickles,ice cream,etc. (See IOA'99 Presentation of Dr.TakayoshiTOYOTA-JAMSTEC:«Present state and prospect of deep sea water application technology in Japan»  Photos M.GAUTHIER-IOA

This products are commercial successes, resulting in substantial income for the local Japanese communities generating these items.

The conference opened with a festive welcome party on October30th at the Grand Imari Hotel. Participants from both IOA '99 andJADOWA were welcomed by governmental dignitaries and enjoyed asumptuous buffet.One of the highlights of the conference was a special lecture byDr. M. Ravindran on "The Indian 1 MW Floating OTEC Plant--AnOverview". (Dr. Ravindran was unable to present the lecture himself;Dr. V. Jayashankar presented on his behalf.) In 1997, the Indiangovernment proposed building a 1 MW (gross) OTEC plant, whichwould be the first OTEC plant of such size. Dr. Ravindran'sorganization, the National Institute of Technology, signed amemorandum of agreement with Saga University for joint developmentof OTEC in India. The two institutions have been collaborating on thedesign and construction of this 1MW OTEC plant, scheduled foroperation in the fall of 2000. India's floating plant will be located offthe coast of Tamil Nadu near the port of Tuticorin, an area that has nothad any cyclones for the last four decades.Two general areas were addressed in the conferencesession advances in OTEC technology and deep ocean waterapplications. While OTEC cannot compete with present fossil andnuclear energy market costs, deep ocean water applications continue todevelop and begin to provide economic benefit using the vast deepocean water resource.IOA '99 was supported by the OTEC Laboratory of SagaUniversity, Saga Prefecture and Imari City. Numerous privatecompanies in Japan collaborate closely with the researchers and alsoprovided assistance with the conference.

Organizing Committeemembers included:

Michel Gauthier Acting IOA Chairman

Joseph Vadus IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society

Jung-Huei Wang Advisor of Energy and Resources Laboratories,ITRI

Carrie Matsuzaki University of Hawaii

Haruo Uehara Professor, Saga University

Masonori Monde Professor, Saga University

Yasuyuki Ikegami Associate Professor, Saga University

Executive Committee members included:

Haruo Uehara Professor, Saga University

Masanori Monde Professor, Saga University

Yasuyuki Ikegami Associate Professor, Saga University

Tomohiro Mitsumori Lecturer, Saga University

Nobuo Noda Lecturer, Saga University

Takahiro Adachi Lecturer, Saga University

Hirofumi Arima Lecturer, Saga University

Haruhiko Aiba Assistant Researcher, Saga University

IOA '99 Department of Publication and EditionHirofumi Arima Lecturer, Saga University

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