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IOA News Letters Summary

IOA's first conference will be held in conjunction with Oceanology International 94 in Brighton, United Kingdom, from March 8-11, 1994.  OI94's theme is "The Global Ocean: from Ocean Understanding to Sustainable Development".  Technical sessions to be presented include monitoring the global ocean, coastal ocean case studies and tools, the polar ocean, the deep ocean, the open ocean, utilization and sustainable development of ocean resources, technology frontiers, and OTEC/DOWA.

Oceanology International is advertised at the "largest ocean science and marine technology exhibition and conference in the world".  There are no registration fees and participants may attend presentations and visit the exhibition without charge.   Exhibitors from around the world will be at OI 94.

The OTEC/DOWA session is a major technical event.  There will be three full days of presentations about the most current activities in ocean thermal energy conversion and deep ocean water applications.  Topics to be high-lighted in  alphabetical order include:

A concept development on agro-aqua production system with deep seawater and hot spring water
Wataru Tanaka, Kiyohiko Wakui and Hideaki Kanke, Research Institute for Ocean Economics, Japan

An assessment of the feasibility of an integrated OTEC system for Grand Cayman
Martin Brown, McDermott Engineering (Europe) Ltd., United Kingdom

Assessment of feasible cold water pipe designs for an OTEC plant in Taiwan
Rong-Juin Shyu, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan

Cold water agriculture as a component of a deep ocean water recovery system for self sufficient coastal villages
John Craven, Common Heritage Corp., USA

Commercial OTEC for potable water
Robert Flynn, OTEC Developments, USA

Commercial OTEC power plants for Taiwan
Philip Chow, T. Y. Lin International, USA and Karl L. Pan, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan

Deep ocean water utilization at the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority
Thomas Daniel, Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority, USA

Design considerations for a closed-cycle OTEC plant for Keahole Point, Hawaii
David Creber, Alcan International Ltd., Canada and Alistair Johnson, GEC-Marconi, Canada

Design of a 5MW OTEC pre-commercial plant
Luis Vega and Gerard Nihous, Pacific International Center for High Technology Research, USA

Economics of ocean thermal energy conversion
Luis Vega, Pacific International Center for High Technology Research, USA

Experimental study on the disposal of cooling water effluent from power plants
Robert Hwang, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan

5MW OTEC systems development for St. Croix. Virgin Islands
W. Allan Bean and Kenneth Haines, GenOtec, USA

Hydraulic modelling of wave-driven artificial upwelling
Clark Liu, University of Hawaii, USA and Elliot Chen, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan

Innovative honeycomb structures for OTEC pipes, platforms and plantships
Robert Cohen, Mega Marine Structures, Inc., USA

International environmental network making use of offshore platforms
William Busch, NOAA Office of Global Programs, USA

Modelling effect of thermal amplitude on growing crustaceans
Sha Miao and Shunchi Tu, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan

New ways of deep seawater application for energy conservation
Bino Fortuin, Peter Kortekaas and Charles Vos, Delta Marine Consultants, The Netherlands

Numerical analysis of the behaviour of the turbulent jet discharged from the OTEC power plant
Ki Cheol Kim, Dong-A University, Korea and Haruo Uehara, Saga University, Japan

Ocean thermal energy conversion: current status and future trends
Dylan Tanner, Intermatrix Ltd., United Kingdom

Open cycle OTEC system with direct contact condenser containing desalination
Takenobu Kajikawa, Shonan Institute of Technology, Japan

Operation of a small open-cycle OTEC experimental facility
Luis Vega and Donald Evans, Pacific International Center for High Technology Research, USA

OTEC/DOWA activities in the United States
Paul Yuen, University of Hawaii; Andrew Trenka, Pacific International Center for High Technology Research; Joseph Vadus, National Ocean Service; and Carrie Matsuzaki, University of Hawaii, USA

OTEC development potential along the East Coast of Taiwan
Tony Liao, Taiwan Power Company, Taiwan

Overview of OTEC/DOWA activities in Europe
Don Lennard, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Systems, Ltd., United Kingdom

Performance analysis of OTEC using new cycle with absorption
Haruo Uehara and Yasuyuki Ikegami, Saga University; Tetsuya Nishida, Shimonoseki University of Fisheries, Japan

Promotion of an international OTEC development plan
Tar-Zen Su, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan

Renewable energy from the oceans: economic benefits of OTEC
William Avery, Johns Hopkins University; Joseph Vadus, National Ocean Service; Andrew Trenka, Pacific International Center for High Technology Research; and Patrick Takahashi, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, USA

Research on an OTEC underwater pipeline
Nai-Kuang Liang, K. F.  Lin, Y. J. Lee, and L. W. Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Study on deep water intake pipeline system for a 1000 kW OTEC plant
Isao Tatsumi, OTECA, Japan

The activities of research and development on deep seawater utilization of Kochi Artificial Upwelling Laboratory in Japan
Toshimitsu Nakashima and Takayoshi Toyota, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center;
Mitsuaki Tamaguchi, Deep Seawater Laboratory of Kochi Prefecture, Japan

The study of the deployment of OTEC large diameter cold water pipes in Taiwan
Kuen-Nan Lin, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan

For the IOA conference, three preparatory committees have been established.  Their composition is as follows:

Organizing Committee:

Don E. Lennard (Chairman) - United kingdom
Karl L. Pan (Secretary) - Taiwan, R.O.C.
Shinya Takeno (Member) - OTECA, Japan
Andrew Trenka (Member) - PICHTR, U.S.A.
H. T. Yih (Member) - Taiwan, R.O.C.
Paul Yuen (Member) - Hawaii, U.S.A.

Program Committee:

Joe Vadus (Co-Chairman) - Hawaii, U.S.A.
Patrick Takahashi (Co-Chairman) - Hawaii, U.S.A.
Dario Berti (Member) - Italy
Jan Erik Janssen (Member) - Sweden
Takenobu Kajikawa (Member) - OTECA, Japan
Don E. Lennard (Member) - United Kingdom
Jean Marvaldi (Member) - France
Carrie Matsuzaki (Co-ordinator) - Hawaii, U.S.A.

Advisory Committee:

Paul Yuen (Chairman) - Hawaii, U.S.A.
Norman Caplan (Member) - NSF, U.S.A.
Christian Habault (Member) - South Pacific
Fumio Ito (Member) - OTECA, Japan
Don E. Lennard (Member) - United Kingdom
C.Y. Li (Member) - Taiwan, R.O.C.
Arnaud Muller-Feuga (Member) - IFREMER, France

For further information about IOA and OI94 contact:

Spearhead Exhibitions Ltd., Rowe House, 55-59 Fife Road, Kingston upon Thames,
Surrey KT1 1TA, United Kingdom
Phone (international) + 44 81 549 5831  Fax (international) + 44 81 541 5657

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