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IOA News Letters Summary

The international energy conference (Energex 91) will be held in conjunction with the second Pan American Chemical Congress, sponsored by the Puerto Rico Chemist's Association, during September 24-29,1991 at San Juan, Puerto Rico. In this conference, there will be a session dedicated to Ocean Energy. The President of Organizing Committee of Energex 91, Juan A. Bonnet, Jr., would like to invite those working on the OTEC and DOWA to participate in the discussion of newly developed ocean energy technologies. The Energy for the Americans International Conference nce first held at San Juan in 1985. Conference preceedings were pubilshed in the Energy Conversion and Management International Journal. This coming conference will provide the latest information on the status of research, development and applications of conventional and a1tenative energy sources in the Americas. Workshops will offer the opportunity to discuss in tetail the state of the art of different technologies and to establish links for collaboration after the conference. Five days of scientific activities are planned during the Energy Conference. Papers will be presented in Spanish, English, French or Portuguese. The scientific program will be supplemented with several cultural and social events organized by the Second Pan American Chemical Conference. Also, there will be a large exhibition of equipment and instrumentation. The scientific program will include the following topics: Bioconversion, Coal, Cogeneration, Conservation, Economics, Environmental Issues, Hydropower, Nuclear Energy, Ocean Energy, Oil, Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal, Transportation, Waste Energy Conversion, and Wind Energy. Further information may be obtained from.

Puerto Rico Chemist's Association
Calle Penue1as, Esq. Hati11o
Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00918

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