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IOA News Letters Summary

The Government of Malta announces the establishment of an international award that will encourage the preservation of the marine environment. This International Award will be under the name of Clean Seas International Award and will be  awarded biennially during the Clean Seas Week which is held during the 2nd week of November of odd numbered years.

The first four of these awards will be bestowed during a Gala dinner which is due to take place on the 9th of November 1993 under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Malta and in the presence of various international personalities involved with the marine environment.

The International Committee will be made up of representatives from be United Nations Environmental Program, the International Maritime Organizations, the Directorate General XI of the European Committees, the International Chamber of Shipping and other prestigious international organizations.

The Clean Seas 93 Week this year will be between the 8th and the 12th of November. It will be a week full of activities relating to the Marine Environment.

If you need more details, please contact Frans H. Said on fax: +356 339511.

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