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IOA News Letters Summary

Dr. Ling-Yuen Chen has succeeded Dr. Robert Yang as General Director of Energy & Resources Laboratories (ERL) of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of Taiwan, R.O.C. and is now Editor-in-Chief of this newsletter.

Dr. Chen received earlier education in Taiwan and Japan and then went to the United States of America, where he received Master degrees from Yale University and doctorate from Purdue University, majoring in Chemical Engineering.  He was General Director of the Center for Pollution Control Technology of ITRI before assuming the present post.

Dr. Robert Yang, who has been Editor-in-Chief of this newsletter since the first planning meeting of IOA in 1989, is now Executive Vice President of ITRI, the largest institute of its kind in Southeast Asia.  We offer our congratulations and also wish to express our appreciation to him for his contributions to IOA throughout the years.

Mr. Jean Paul Guernier has left Fresh Polynesia.  He is replaced by Mr. Christian Habault as the member of Editorial Committee for South Pacific.  Mr. Habault is the representative of French Research Ministry in New Caledonia.

Miss Helen Wu has succeeded Mr. Fernando Lu, who resigned, as an Editor of this newsletter.

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